A TerpSys Success Story

Making Data Collection Simpler

With an easily accessible input system and user-friendly interface backed by a centralized data repository, NeighborWorks America is now more able than ever to track their 260 plus Member Organizations’ progress by both quarterly onsite and off-site reviews.


Before working with TerpSys, these processes were very fluid and time consuming. Now all users who contribute information to these reviews can do it easily in real time from any location.

  • Meeting Individual Needs - TerpSys developed customized input forms for four different groups of users who contribute to these quarterly reviews that all feed the same data source.
  • Self-sufficient - NeighborWorks is able to easily and efficiently create static and ad hoc reports on their organizations to keep business running smoothly.
  • Up-to-date - Data is now provided to the quarterly report as soon as a user enters it.
  • User-friendly - NeighborWorks now has easy to use input forms with validation rules so users have an easy time entering their data contribution.
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